Phoenix Rising Alternative School
Phoenix Rising Alternative School serves students in Tulsa County, grades 9–12, who are involved with, or are at high risk for, involvement with the juvenile justice system. Typically, PRAS students have not experienced success in traditional public school settings and find PRAS to be a restorative pathway for their educational and life journey. PRAS is a partnership between the Tulsa County Family Juvenile Justice Center (TCFJJC) and Tulsa Public Schools (TPS). The school’s ideal capacity is to have eighty active students. Students may stay enrolled at PRAS, as long as it is in the best interest of the student, the family, and the school. Our school is voluntary and has a waiting list hovering at about twenty applicants.
The focus of PRAS is on both social/emotional growth, and academic needs which are offered through each student’s individualized learning plan. PRAS seeks out innovative and student focused internships and enrichment opportunities for youth to experience on campus, and within the community. In addition, emphasis is placed on students’ interests and strengths, leadership skills, goal setting, and workforce development. There are also intensive social/emotional supports and evidence based practices to enhance literacy and math skills provided on a multi-tiered level system. A multitude of unique accommodations and modifications support all learning, including extra support for diverse learners of all ranges. Having these supports are crucial to the academic success and development of all students.
- Related Links
- Contact Form
- Community Partners
- Student Opportunities
- Phoenix Rising Policies And Procedures Manual
- Referral Packet
- Student Handbook
- Contact Information
- Phoenix Rising Alternative School
- 3441 East Archer Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115
Map It - To Contact School Directly Call:
Utilizing Restorative Practices, repairing harm and learning how to resolve conflict is one of the greatest gifts that all of the students at Phoenix Rising receive. Because of the trauma and extreme obstacles many of our students face, we have clinical interventions such as individual counseling, group counseling including a trauma group, substance abuse group, anger/coping group, grief group, men’s group, and life skills. With the amazing partnerships and relationships that PRAS staff have created with community agencies, an abundance of support, consistency, and unconditional acceptance has been brought to the walls of Phoenix Rising.
Criteria for Enrollment
- Student must be in the 9th-12th grade, ages 14-20.
- A student may be overage and under credited, but must have a reasonable chance to graduate before they age out of the system.
- Student is/or has been involved in the juvenile justice system, or is at risk of becoming involved.
- Student is under DHS custody and/or Dual Status as both an adjudicated youth and DHS custody.
Student That Maintains A Variety Of Risk Factors Such As:
- Incarcerated parents
- Homelessness/High Mobility
- Stigma of being associated with the Juvenile system
- Possible negative “branding” of a student in certain schools
- Substance Abuse within the home, unaddressed responses to Trauma
- Poor School attendance or increased misconducts
- Bullying or isolation at a general education school
- Experienced inadequate family, parental, community, and/or school support
- At risk for dropping out for a variety of reasons and feels disconnected to school
- Feels disengaged from a traditional school setting or school in general
- Parent or expectant parent unable to attend a traditional school setting
- Must be employed to support his/herself or family financially
If a student, family, counselor, teacher, or Administrator, has found that the student would benefit from the alternative setting with smaller learning communities, would prefer blended learning, and desires different learning, Phoenix Rising may be the school for them!
Please feel free to contact any staff at Phoenix Rising for more information regarding enrollment, our interview process, an initial contact form, or any questions you may have!
Phoenix Rising Student Make Up
Race - Percent of Total
- American Indian or Alaskan Native - 18.2 %
- Black, not of Hispanic Origin - 54.5 %
- Hispanic - 7.3 %
- White, not of Hispanic Origin - 20.0 %
Age at Enrollment - Percent of Total
- 13 - 1.8 %
- 14 - 3.6 %
- 16 - 21.8 %
- 17 - 34.5 %
- 18 - 18.2 %
- 19 - 10.9 %
- 20 - 1.8 %
Gender - Percent of Total
- Female - 41.8 %
- Male - 58.2 %
Other Information
- 33% - Homeless
- 35% - Special Education
- 100% - Free And Reduced Lunch
- 28% - Pregnant and Parenting Teens
- 25% - Current DHS Involvement
- 62% - Past DHS Involvement
- 54% - Custody other than Biological Parent
- 82% - Past Parental Incarceration
- 44% - Current Parental Incarceration