Family Center for Juvenile Justice Programs
At least 75% of youth in contact with the juvenile justice system have experienced traumatic victimization. Traumatic experiences include homelessness, family violence, household mental illness, environmental violence, abandonment, neglect, abuse, and placement outside of the home, family substance abuse, parental incarceration or other absence from the home, death of a close friend or family member and exploitation. Research tells us that experiencing one or more of these traumas is directly correlated with social, emotional and cognitive impairments that lead to increased risk of unhealthy behaviors, risk of violence or re-victimization, disease, disability and early death. (Anda and Felitti, 2007)
Studies have consistently shown that 65-70% of youth in contact with the juvenile justice system have a diagnosable mental health disorder; nearly 30% of those disorders are serious enough to require immediate and significant treatment.
As a result of this knowledge, a variety of programs were developed within the Tulsa County Juvenile Justice System to address the on-going effect of trauma on our court involved youth as part of our mission: “Improving Our Community Through Prevention, Diversion, Intervention And Empowerment With The Youth And Families We Serve.”