Tulsa County Meeting Agendas & Documents
Note: Annual Meeting Schedules are due by December 15th according to Oklahoma State Statute.
Please send schedules, meeting notices, agendas, date, time and location changes, as well as cancellation notices via email as an attachment in pdf format, to MeetingNotices@tulsacounty.org. That is, continue to send notices to the County Clerk, simply send via email instead of USPS or fax. They should be on your organization’s letterhead and may be addressed to Michael Willis, Tulsa County Clerk. We will time/date stamp, and return a copy to you for your records.
Posted below are the links to
meeting agendas and related documents that are made available by Tulsa County's
various boards, authorities and other entities. These documents are posted in
Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. Acrobat Reader is a free downloadable viewer for
reading and printing these documents. You may download Acrobat Reader here.